Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dakar Academy Alum in Space

Former Dakar Academy student Scott E. Parazynski completed his fifth space walk yesterday. As the Space Shuttle's lead space walker on STS-120 (the 120th shuttle mission), Scott was in charge of installing the massive, new HARMONY live-in unit at the International Space Station (ISS). In the next three walks, he will oversee the moving of another huge part of the ISS, a project he likens to the structural relocation of a huge Victorian house which he witnessed as a child.
Scott grew up as an international traveler, living in the US, Lebanon, Greece, Iran, and "two wonderful years in West Africa, in Dakar, Senegal," where he attended Dakar Academy as a junior high school student.
To read more about STS-120, the ISS, or Scott (including his biography, an interview, and even the meal menu for this Shuttle voyage), go to